When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.
-Haruki Murakami
Sandpit Training
Sandpit Training!
Develop speed, power, and strength!
Sand training is a very unique form of training which can push even the most physically fit athlete to their limits.
Training in the sand allows for low impact strengthening of the hips, knees, and ankles, adding a level of resistance great than traditional training. As sand does not provide the same rebound effect as other surfaces, so you have to work harder.
Are you looking to have improve speed, power, and agility? Quickness and explosiveness improve performance in many sports, and sand training can be a great way for an athlete to achieve this. Since muscles undergo a heavier workload when training in the sand, when performed correctly sand training can help improve explosive strength, power, agility, endurance, balance, and quickness.​
Another benefit to training in the sand is that the low impact places less strain on the muscles and joints. Due to the shock-absorptive qualities of sand, it helps dissipate this level of stress on the body, allowing for more use of low-impact weight bearing exercise. This leads to less muscle soreness and provides a benefit to patients who are rehabilitating from an injury.
Many professional sports teams as well as the military have added sand training to their training programs, including The New England Patriots, The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, The Tennessee Titans, and the Los Vegas Raiders.
At Storm Physical Therapy, we conduct agility and speed training in our Sand Pit. Come challenge yourself to a sand work out with us!